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Board of Directors

At the Grand Forks Children's Museum, our dedicated team of Dreamers and Doers is passionate about creating an environment of exploration, education, and excitement. With diverse expertise, we are united in our commitment to delivering unforgettable experiences that inspire children to explore and connect with the wonders around them. Our mission extends beyond the museum's walls, aiming to weave a strong fabric of community and kindle a lasting flame of curiosity for future generations. Together, we endeavor to build brighter futures, making each visit a pathway for lifelong learning and a bridge that connects our community with the endless possibilities that await the dreamers and innovators of tomorrow.

Kim Woods

Fundraising Director

Alex Reichert, President

Sally Miskavige, Vice President

Jared Vigen, Treasurer
Natalie Muth, Secretary

Katie Mayer

Executive Director

Maura Tanabe

Fundraising Chair

Brittany Callier
Jill Nelson

Dean Opp

Kelly Quigley

Karna Loyland
Carmen Wald


Hillary Kempenich

Meredith Quinn

Alexandra Quanrud

Dr. Tricia Lee

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